Plymouth on Arch

- 1 min

I’m now enjoying beautiful splashes at boot on my Arch box. Yes, plymouth works quite well on Arch. To get it working well, execute the folowing steps:

  1. First get KMS enabled in your kernel.

  2. Next install plymouth-git from aur:

     yaourt -S plymouth-git
  3. Then edit /etc/mkinitcpio.conf and add ‘plymouth’ (without the quotes) in the HOOKS line after base, udev and autodetect.

  4. Rebuild initrd using(as root):

     mkinitcpio -p kernel26
  5. To change themes, do:

     sudo plymouth-set-default-theme  --rebuild-initrd

    You can find themes in /usr/share/plymouth/themes.

  6. Reboot

The only problem I have with this method is that plymouthd does not get stopped even after plymouth splash ends. For that I have to do (as root)

	killall plymouthd

everytime I login(not a very viable solution). So, if you guys have any better solution, feel free to tell me.


Sayak Biswas

Sayak Biswas

Graduate Student | Software Engineer | Music Lover

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